
Fifa 13 Seasons crash on PC fix

By mcvanrensburg  | 

 November 26th, 2012 | 

I am a huge Fifa 13 fan on and enjoy playing the online seasons mode whenever I have time to spare from work.   Recently I have run into a problem where Fifa crashes to the desktop whenever I start a season match or come to the seasons welcome screen. After ...


Interview with Lucia Blanco – Wedding Photographer

By mcvanrensburg  | 

 November 21st, 2012 | 

I recently had the honor of meeting a very talented wedding photographer from Argentina that currently resides in beautiful Cape Town. Always interested in other creatives, I decided to run some questions by her.   Meet Lucia Blanco...   Hi Lucia, tell us about yourself.   My name is Lucia Blanco. I was born and grew ...


Preventing spam with Akismet and Contact form 7

By mcvanrensburg  | 

 November 19th, 2012 | 

Spammers regularly target Wordpress contact form and recently this has become a huge problem. Luckily, there are ways to combat spammers using Akismet in combination with the great plugin Contact form 7.   Wordpress comes with Akismet pre-installed, so all you have to do is to setup your free account and get ...


Peppermint Design wins a Silver South African Web Award

By mcvanrensburg  | 

 May 31st, 2012 | 

I am proud to announce that Peppermint Design was one of three websites that won a Silver Web Award for the month of May, and the first website to win a silver award since February. The SA web awards website has been South Africa's top website review site, for almost ...


5 Reasons to use WordPress for your website

By mcvanrensburg  | 

 April 17th, 2012 | 

Wordpress is a free, open source content management system, that is very powerful and offers users so much more than just a blogging platform. It is ideal for small and medium businesses that are looking for an easy way to manage their own website.   Since its main purpose is a platform ...